a peak into the new chapter of my life.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wishing I was there

I was definitely a poop head today. I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed? That's just a lame excuse for being a poop head. I woke up wanting to go to work because I needed something to keep me busy. And when I finally got to work, I was irritable within 5 minutes.. for no good reason. Ridiculous I tell you. After leaving work it was time to spend the evening with the fam. We had dinner in which Kelly and I ate most of it ourselves... or I did... and then watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. I was sooo tired during the movie and when it was over it was only 8:30pm. But that was prime Kari time. Ask any of my previous roommates and they will tell you that it's like a Kari variety show 8pm and on. I dance, I sing and more. If you're lucky enough... you just may experience it one day.

Today was the first dance competition of the season for my wonderful Jenison dancers. I was very excited for them, but then I was also extremely selfish and had an irritable attitude all day because I miss it. Those girls, that program, coaching, dance... has been my life for four years. And now it's not. It's weird. I don't regret my decision because I know this is where God wants me... but it's just weird. I guess I can't let go of it because one, I love those girls. They were my family for four years. Two, I feel like I'm not being productive with my time and using the talents God has given me. I love working hard and most of all I love being with people I care about and doing things for them... but right now everything is still somewhat new. I'm still figuring out people, friends, relationships, where my life is going... and when I have moments of uncertainty or feelings of worthlessness, it gets frustrating. But tomorrow is a new day and it's a day for me to glorify God... not myself.

And so now I sit here... awake... unable to sleep because I have issues. I will probably eat some food and then put an episode of Grey's Anatomy on so I can lay here and let my mind be still. It gets a little out of control at night time and GA can shut it all out so I eventually fall asleep. Hopefully I'll wake up on the right side of the bed (or couch) tomorrow so I can be non-poop head Kari again.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better late than never?

Well... I kept putting off an update because I felt like there was so much to say and I didn't want to type it all (or bore you all). Since it is 2:30am and I'm still not asleep, I figured now was the perfect time for an update. Most likely, I won't even say what was on my mind before but nevertheless you're getting an update.

Most importantly, I'm amazed at what God is showing me and teaching me. I always wanted to believe I was this genuine, dedicated, wonderful person... and don't get me wrong... there is some truth to that. But I'm overwhelmed by the realization that I'm also a selfish, prideful, lazy person. For the first time in a long time, or maybe ever, I was actually broken by my sin and in awe of what a forgiving, loving Father I have. These last several weeks have been eye opening and challenging to say the least.

Since I moved states and started this blog to keep you "updated" I figured I'd fill this entry with answers to all the typical questions I get at this stage in my life.
1. Where are you living? Why did you move?
I'm living in Wake Forest, North Carolina with mi madre. Yep, that's right. I'm 24 and I moved back in with mother dearest. I'm not ashamed. It's great to be able to spend time with the most amazing woman I know after being away for 6 years. I look forward to moving out again, but I'm grateful for this (rent free) time at home. I moved because I knew it was time for a change. As much as I loved my coaching job and the independence I had in Grand Rapids... I needed to be with family. It wasn't the easiest adjustment at first and I still miss parts of my "old life" but I'm loving this new "chapter."

2. Where are you working? What are you doing?
I am still working in coffee land at good ole Starbucks. At first I hated this question because I felt like that wasn't a good enough answer. But this is where God has me right now and that's good enough for me. This is just a tiny part in the big picture and I look forward to the next step. Are there days where I'm frustrated? Of course... but I know that God has given me talents and abilities and I'm excited to use them.

3. How's the love life? or lack there of...
Also another question I usually hate, but the answer is simple. I'm single and I'm okay with that. Again, this is where God has me and that's good enough for me. I know I sound like a broken record, but it's the truth. Sure, I'd love to fall in love... who wouldn't... but it's not my goal or focus. I'm enjoying getting to know new friends and when it happens... it happens.

Those are the 3 questions I get and those are my answers. Maybe I'll come up with some more Q&A for future posts. Feel free to ask and maybe I'll dish.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Totally Tubular

Another week has come to an end and a good one it was!!! Last Sunday I was able to go to church in the morning which was extremely encouraging. Then I celebrated with a girl from work and her friends for her 25th birthday. (My first social outing with new friends.. haha.. a little sad that it excites me so)

I worked on Monday and then it was time to get ready for a lil trip. Since I was oh so smart and drank coffee at work.. I couldn't sleep. Big surprise! Instead, I decided to jump in the car and head out at 3am for Maryland. This was a good idea until about 4:30am when I finally got sleepy. I took a little 45 minute cat nap under a light post at a rest stop. Don't tell my mother... I'm sure she'd freak. ha. Then I was back on my way and things were great until the GPS decided to stop working after I followed her orders and passed the exit the mapquest directions told me to go. Fantastic! I did a little navigating of my own and I finally made it to my destination.. Glen Burnie, MD to see my person. It was great to be reunited and I was able to stay with her and the fiance Tues-Fri. We got lost in downtown Baltimore, spent some time at the inner harbor, ate yummy food, lots of singing/dancing/laughing/and great random comments, movies, pumpkin carving, and hair dying. You know you're completely comfortable with someone (and yourself) when you can play a game at the ages of 23 and 24 which consists of... trying to mirror the other persons random faces during commercials to entertain yourselves. We're quite special... which is why we're besties for life!

The road trip back home was much smoother and I spent the evening with the fam. Saturday it was back to work and then I tried to watch football with my brother but ended up falling asleep during the 2nd quarter. I guess that's what happens when you get 2 hours of sleep.

Today was an opener for me at Sbux. But it was great because I worked with my twin! Let me just say that I always wanted a twin when I was a little girl. It took me several years to realize that it would never be possible and I was heartbroken! HOWEVER... we have found each other. We're totally tubular bar partners (coffee bar that is), we've already brought sexy back so now we're bringing the lingo back because we're definitely rad. Whenever we're together it's such a gas. ha. Well today was our first "date" outside of work.. but there will be plenty more to come because this is a life bond. A lil shout out to my Twin A from your Twin K. Hope your birthday was far out!

I should probably try to get some sleep seeing as how tomorrow will be another busy day. Mother dearest and I will be hittin the road to visit her sister at their lake house. YAY. It's going to be another good week...

Praising him...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Two in a row?

I have been sitting here writing on facebook and I figure, why not make it two posts in a row? Crazy, I know. I think the reason I haven't been writing is because I've been frustrated at life. I really don't have a reason to be..

I made the decision to move and as much as I miss coaching, the dancers and friends I spent my time with in Grand Rapids and my family... I know I made the right move. I just have to be patient and really pray that God will lead me where he wants. I had been living on my own, doing my own thing, trying to please everyone else for 6 years. I have a lot of great memories, lots of people I will never forget, and I know that God was able to use me in people's lives... but now comes the hard part. I have to completely trust him as I'm "starting over" and stop trying to do this on my own. It hasn't been working.

This will be an exciting week to come!! yay for fun times :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Smart cookie

Don't have anything too exciting to report. I spend my days working or hanging out with the fam. I did go to dinner with a guy the other night. That was a nice change of pace. This whole adult world, moving states and figuring out what to do with your life... not as "magical" and as easy as I thought it was going to be. I don't know how or when I became the girl that didn't have a "plan" or didn't know what to do. I just spent $140 to take the GRE in a month. I thought I was smart enough... but after doing some practice tests, I realize I've been out of practice for a while. Uh oh.. one month to study might be a little crazy but we'll see. I can't be afraid of failure... I just have to go for it.

Tonight I made my first bonfire all on my own. We cooked some weiners and brats on the fire and of course we followed that with s'mores. No games of chubby bunny tonight. Between the senior citizen, quad boy, and chronic food spitter outter... I'd say I have them beat. We created limericks which somehow usually ended up not making sense or somewhat foul, reminisced of childhood memories, and talked about our first kiss. Typical crazy nights in the O'Brien household.

Well... I'm tired of looking at this computer screen from doing practice problems. I'm laying my head on the pillow and watching something that will take me away to my ever so lovely dreamland. Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back later... 6 days later

Today was a good day... yesterday not so much. I had a meeting at Duke this morning about the nursing program that I'm going to be applying for. The thought of going back to school excites me. I'm a smart girl; I'm not going to lie. I want to be challenged and I can't wait for a new experience. I always said I wanted to go to Duke, Princeton or Yale... well here's my chance.

Spent several hours in my mom's classroom this evening organizing all her supplies. It's a little strange how much enjoyment I get out of organizing. After I was all finished with the large cabinet and had everything categorized, labeled and neat... I just stood there and admired it. ha.

I'm seriously contemplating trying to get involved in ballroom dancing. Those who know me, obviously know I enjoy dancing and it's a big part of who I am. I had an intro to ballroom in college and I just love it. I think it all comes down to the creativity, detail and organization of dancing that just sucks me right in.

I'm in a sappy mood so I'm watching one of my favorite chick flicks. "If you're a bird... I'm a bird"

My mind is everywhere right now and I'm not going to even begin to let it all spill out on here. Sorry folks, I just can't do it. Although you did get to experience my randomness above. I think I better just put my head on the pillow and hopefully I'll fall asleep soon...

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today is a good day.. so far.. and I believe it will only get better. I went into Starbucks at 6:45 this morning and it ended up being busy, which is great! I'm having lots of fun with my co-workers because I can just be my sarcastic, goofy self and they love it. ha. I mean who wouldn't? I'm finally starting to feel a little "settled".. not like I'm on vacation anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still miss my MI family, friends and dancers soooooo much... but I know I'm starting a new life here. I'm going to make a phone call here in a bit about meeting with someone at Duke. I figure.. I need to just think about what I really like and DO IT. I tried to teach my dancers about self confidence and working hard for what you want... so why don't I do that for myself? I need to stop worrying about fitting this mold, a timeline of when I'm supposed to have a certain job or get married, or taking out loans if I want to go back to school. I don't know why it took me this long to figure all that out and actually do something about it. ha. oh well.

Well I must head out to go to the store and my mom's school. I'm her assistant today. She needs a lil help sometimes. Don't we all? Maybe I'll be back later...

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm bad at this

I've been quite terrible at keeping this updated. Give me a break people... I'm learning? Or I'm just lazy at times. I'm still adjusting to life in NC and I'm not going to get all woe is me, pity party... but it's different! I didn't expect everything to fall into my lap, but it's weird starting over at the age of 24. I have a lot of questions for myself and a lot to yet discover about me and where I'm headed in this life. I do know that for the last 6 years I was a student, a best friend, a roommate, a dedicated employee, and a coach. Now that I've moved states, "started over," I'm not quite sure what I want or "who I am." I don't have a label, I don't have lots of people to take care of, and I don't have a lot of responsibilities as of yet. I do know that I'm surrounded by 3 of the greatest family members I could ask for and I'm excited to be there for them as they are for me while I start this new chapter. (although I miss the michigander family members very much) I miss all my Michigan friends and relationships very much. Even though life goes on, I still think about the life I had in Michigan and all the wonderful memories.

Okay... I'm sure that's enough mumbo jumbo for y'all (figured I'd try it out since I'm now a southern gal) Oh and by the way... I still don't call it "soda." It's POP, people... POP! And another thing about the south; I love the names they have for their businesses.
1. I can eat at BOJANGLES (think of the song everytime)
2. I get gas at SHEETS (poop... have the sheets)
3. Grocery shop at HARRIS TEETERS (do I really have to say what I think?)
My favorite Harris Teeters experience... back when I came to visit my mother after she first lived here and was in an apt, we decided we needed a late night snack. This is no longer suburbia land where you can get anything you want when you want it. No 24 hour stores at almost every major intersection. Our only option? Harris Teeters. We enter the bitter coldness of the grocery store in our pajamas, including mickey mouse plaid boxers my mother once bought for my brother and me in a dance t-shirt of course. Late night Harris Teeters with cold cold air means you're gonna get some teeters.

And lastly, I'll leave you with an update of our little vay-cay in PA. The road trip there included lots of memories from our childhoods which included a lot of laughs about cadbury eggs, bullies, pee/poop in the pants, and embarrassing moments such as grabbing for a bouncy ball in a boy's lap and literally grabbing a ball. All 6 of us... woah, there's 7 of us now with baby Kate... were able to stay at my Aunt Jan's house. So many memories in that house. Summer routines on the trampoline, Cujo in the barn, tea parties, uncle trying to scare us in the dark and the wonderful scenery of the woods and animals. Unfortunately Hurricane Hannah would not allow the beautiful Hershey Garden outdoor wedding to take place. But we rallied together and decorated the church till the wee hours of the morning and before the wedding the next day. The best part was being with everyone and seeing family that I haven't seen in over 4 years... and some... since I was very very young. The drive back was interesting enough as we had a young man approach my brother in the van, another man in the parking lot, and myself outside burger king... asking for gas money. He and his friends were quite angry as they zoomed off IN THEIR CAR. Pretty sure we saw them a few miles later stopped by the police. ha. Don't feel sorry for you. For the rest of the ride you could hear me say "did you fart again" or extreme laughter about nothing, or absolute silence. We made it home in one piece with no deer accidents this time. Darn deer.

That's all you get from me folks. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

On the road again

I will soon be "on the road again" as we head to Pennsylvania this evening. My cousin is getting married this Saturday at the Hershey Gardens! I'm soooo excited.
1) I love being with my family and I haven't seen that side of my family in over 4 years.
2) We (being my mom, 2 brothers, 2 sisters in law, myself, and baby kate) will all be together!
3) I love weddings and what they mean and everything it entails
4) Road trip with my mom, kenny and kelly means there will be plenty of got to pee your pants laughing moments

So I helped mow my brother's lawn today and I don't think I have ever sweat that much in my entire life, and granted, I can be a pretty sweaty person. ha. It was literally dripping off my nose as I was pushing the mower and trimming some hedges and weeds.

I also encountered my first snake since moving here. Yes I know it was little, but still... it's a SNAKE! I'd like to think I'm one tough cookie and I can handle anything. I am a strong woman, but it is inevitable that sometimes I am a prissy girl. Had I been by myself I would have dealt with the snake (I've encountered them in my past before), but because my sister in law was there, I let her kill it. I was the accomplice as I handed her the shovel and she proceeded to jab it until it slithered no more. We think it was a baby copperhead. Poisonous little devil.

I know I said I would let you know what my plans and ideas were... but you're just going to have to wait a little longer until I get back from Pennsylvania. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend because I know I will ;) What kind of shenanigans will my family manage to get into this weekend? We shall see...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So I haven't really had the chance to make friends since moving because so far I've been spending all my time with my family. However, I did get asked out/invited to a party... by the guy giving me a pedi/mani. Only problem... I could barely understand his english. I really tried, but I found myself just smiling and nodding because I had no idea what we were talking about. I did understand when he asked me if I had a boyfriend and then I knew where this was going. So I just may have to go back to get more pedi/mani's by my new friend.

Labor day weekend was pretty relaxed and low key. It involved food, movies, working out, shopping, football, family and church. Pretty good weekend I'd say. Some of my favorite moments included my brother rapping at dinner and me about spitting my chocolate cupcake through my nose, shopping with my mom and pretending i was stacy and clinton from what not to wear, the fact that my brother called pudding "gelatinous slop", and when my mother was laughing/talking/gagging and my brother referred to her as a cow in heat. We definitely had some good laughs and there will be plenty more to come.

Quick car update... I went to drive it yesterday so I could better explain what was happening to the technician and... it worked! I thought it was healed but I still wanted to get it looked at because the brakes felt funny. When I went to drop it off today - it decided not to accelerate properly. They told me it's probably a sensor that isn't working anymore which is causing all the problems. I'm hoping that's true and I'm hoping it doesn't cost very much. ha. Stupid cars.

Okay, so I think it's time to eat some strawberries, watch a lil tv and off to bed. Tomorrow I'll let you know all the fun things I have planned for my life. I know you're dying to find out, aren't you? We shall see....

Thursday, August 28, 2008

780 miles and it bites the dust

Well... I apologize for the laziness this week and the lack of posts. I'm sure you're all dying to know what is going on here in NC. ha. Not much. I mentioned that I had a new routine I was going to try out... NO GO.

I woke up Monday morning and made breakfast smoothies with my mom. I was then going to get ready and head over to work out with my sister in law. NEGATIVE. My car decided not to accelerate past oh I don't know, 5 or 10 mph. Couldn't really tell since the speedometer wasn't registering. So needless to say, I am without a car. We're pretty sure it's the transmission, woo hoo, but I have to wait to get it towed in a few days. The escort made it the 780 miles to get me here and now I think it's dunzo. The one good thing about no car... instead I get to drive my sister in law's mini cooper around town.

Which reminds me... I'm not sure if you know, but there is a mini cooper etiquette. I was driving it on Monday while running errands and as I was slowly approaching the end of a street, another mini cooper was turning onto the road. The driver gave me a nod and a salute of the hand before passing by. I'm pretty sure my head continued to follow him because I couldn't believe what just happened. My sister in law informed me that this was what people did who drove mini coopers... therefore I failed mini cooper etiquette 101. I'm glad I'm now aware.

Alright... I won't bore you too much longer. Not much happened this week except unpacking, working out with my sister in law, playing with the pets and our stray kitten we rescued, and getting my transfer all settled with Starbucks.

I have an idea of what I want to do next with my life. I'm quite excited about it... but before I spill the beans I'm going to look into the details and pray about it. What will happen next, we shall see...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Close Call

I'll start off with a little story. Today being Sunday, I headed to church with my mom. I was dressed in my cute brown/cream striped button up dress with a brown belt and my turquoise wedges. (my mom has shrunk over the years and while wearing 4 inch wedges, i was able to see what it feels like to be taller than other people... it's a whole different world i tell you) So we're standing in church singing away and the next thing I know my ankle decides to give out. The only problem was that my entire weight was on that leg and mind you, my ankle had 4 inches to go before it hit the ground. Needless to say, I was about to be a goner but thankfully my hands were gently resting on the chairs in front of me. I reacted so quick that I just pulled myself right up and made some sort of noise in the process and just kept singing away. I'm surprised I didn't hear any laughs behind me... because you know I would have been laughing if I had seen someone do that.

Today was a good day minus the close call fall, our bad service at lunch, and the blister I got on my left pinkie toe. My mom and I got lots of healthy groceries so we can start our detox tomorrow and I got some more organization items for my bedroom and bathroom. yay! Oh how I love to organize. Speaking of... when we got home I made my mom help me clean out and organize her refrigerator, freezer and pantry. That's what I like to call a good time. Then I went on a 4.5 mile brisk walk with my sis-in-law. I decided to make her do lunges when we got back to my mom's street... not realizing the 4.5 mile walk through the NC hills took more of a toll on my leg muscles than I thought. I thought my right hamstring muscle had given up and curled up into a ball. To close out the evening I made some delicious homemade chicken salad for mother and I to eat tomorrow.

I'm going to try out a new routine tomorrow and I have a lot I want to accomplish. Will I find a job or a school??? We shall see...

Cluster Stuff.. Pots or Pans?

Today (well yesterday) had an emotional start and it made me more appreciative of the people and relationships I have in my life. As much as I love clothes and even more my shoes... the people and relationships in your life are really what it's about. So who cares if I don't have an awesome job right now, I'm not married, or I don't have this well thought out life plan... I do have hope & faith in my Saviour and I also have family and friends who bring so much joy to my life.

Enough serious business... I got my mom to clean out and organize the tv room closet with me (so I can have room for all those clothes and shoes I love so much)... and it was pretty entertaining going through the items she had in there. Upon which I found.... "CLUSTER STUFF"... this is my new favorite phrase. Why not call it pillow fluff, pillow stuffing, or something... but cluster stuff is just amazing.

Little Ceasars $5 pizza no more! Can you believe it? Who woulda thought the price of flour would increase 74%. geesh. You better bust out the change... because you now have to pay 5.55 or 5.98 with tax.

And the other random tid bit of the day, thanks to my dear friend Tanya-berries... what is the difference between a pot and a pan? I thought I was such a genius with my quick response.. "Pots go on the stove, pans go in the oven." Wrong. What about frying pans? Those go on the stove. I just don't know.

This dell laptop is frying up my legs, so I think it's time to call it a night. Will I eat a piece of cold pizza before falling asleep??? We shall see...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 2

And so day 2 is underway. I tried to sleep in a bit since I ate coffee ice cream last night with mother dearest and could not fall asleep. Plus, I guess I have a lot on my mind these days.

I just finished going through all my financial info, paying my last bills from the apt, changing addresses and all that fun jazz. I unpacked a few things this morning, but the dilemma I'm coming across is that I don't have enough room for all my crap. That's my next project to tackle.

I should make some phone calls and talk with friends but I just don't feel like it. Mainly because I feel like I don't have answers to any of the questions people seem to be asking me. I don't have a plan yet, I'm not settled, I'm not unpacked, I don't know!!! I'm going to take the rest of this weekend for myself, enjoying relaxing with my family and come Monday I will come up with a plan. Ha.

I suppose I'll go grab another suitcase from the garage and unpack. Where it's going to go? We shall see...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Here I go

Here I go... making an attempt with the whole blogging world. I may not keep it up, I may be horrible, or it may be a new hobby? Either way... it's a chance for me to document this new "turning point" in my life. 780 miles later... I have reached my destination.

Today was day 1 of living in North Carolina. Still haven't unpacked yet... maybe I'll attack that tomorrow. It feels like I'm on vacation, so there is no motivation to get "settled." I can't explain or describe exactly how I'm feeling because I'm not even sure if I totally know myself. It's exciting, scary, confusing and just weird. Finding a new job, making new friends, new everything at the age of 24 is definitely what I need but not what I expected. What will happen in the year to come??? we shall see...