a peak into the new chapter of my life.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 2

And so day 2 is underway. I tried to sleep in a bit since I ate coffee ice cream last night with mother dearest and could not fall asleep. Plus, I guess I have a lot on my mind these days.

I just finished going through all my financial info, paying my last bills from the apt, changing addresses and all that fun jazz. I unpacked a few things this morning, but the dilemma I'm coming across is that I don't have enough room for all my crap. That's my next project to tackle.

I should make some phone calls and talk with friends but I just don't feel like it. Mainly because I feel like I don't have answers to any of the questions people seem to be asking me. I don't have a plan yet, I'm not settled, I'm not unpacked, I don't know!!! I'm going to take the rest of this weekend for myself, enjoying relaxing with my family and come Monday I will come up with a plan. Ha.

I suppose I'll go grab another suitcase from the garage and unpack. Where it's going to go? We shall see...

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