a peak into the new chapter of my life.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better late than never?

Well... I kept putting off an update because I felt like there was so much to say and I didn't want to type it all (or bore you all). Since it is 2:30am and I'm still not asleep, I figured now was the perfect time for an update. Most likely, I won't even say what was on my mind before but nevertheless you're getting an update.

Most importantly, I'm amazed at what God is showing me and teaching me. I always wanted to believe I was this genuine, dedicated, wonderful person... and don't get me wrong... there is some truth to that. But I'm overwhelmed by the realization that I'm also a selfish, prideful, lazy person. For the first time in a long time, or maybe ever, I was actually broken by my sin and in awe of what a forgiving, loving Father I have. These last several weeks have been eye opening and challenging to say the least.

Since I moved states and started this blog to keep you "updated" I figured I'd fill this entry with answers to all the typical questions I get at this stage in my life.
1. Where are you living? Why did you move?
I'm living in Wake Forest, North Carolina with mi madre. Yep, that's right. I'm 24 and I moved back in with mother dearest. I'm not ashamed. It's great to be able to spend time with the most amazing woman I know after being away for 6 years. I look forward to moving out again, but I'm grateful for this (rent free) time at home. I moved because I knew it was time for a change. As much as I loved my coaching job and the independence I had in Grand Rapids... I needed to be with family. It wasn't the easiest adjustment at first and I still miss parts of my "old life" but I'm loving this new "chapter."

2. Where are you working? What are you doing?
I am still working in coffee land at good ole Starbucks. At first I hated this question because I felt like that wasn't a good enough answer. But this is where God has me right now and that's good enough for me. This is just a tiny part in the big picture and I look forward to the next step. Are there days where I'm frustrated? Of course... but I know that God has given me talents and abilities and I'm excited to use them.

3. How's the love life? or lack there of...
Also another question I usually hate, but the answer is simple. I'm single and I'm okay with that. Again, this is where God has me and that's good enough for me. I know I sound like a broken record, but it's the truth. Sure, I'd love to fall in love... who wouldn't... but it's not my goal or focus. I'm enjoying getting to know new friends and when it happens... it happens.

Those are the 3 questions I get and those are my answers. Maybe I'll come up with some more Q&A for future posts. Feel free to ask and maybe I'll dish.

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