a peak into the new chapter of my life.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Smart cookie

Don't have anything too exciting to report. I spend my days working or hanging out with the fam. I did go to dinner with a guy the other night. That was a nice change of pace. This whole adult world, moving states and figuring out what to do with your life... not as "magical" and as easy as I thought it was going to be. I don't know how or when I became the girl that didn't have a "plan" or didn't know what to do. I just spent $140 to take the GRE in a month. I thought I was smart enough... but after doing some practice tests, I realize I've been out of practice for a while. Uh oh.. one month to study might be a little crazy but we'll see. I can't be afraid of failure... I just have to go for it.

Tonight I made my first bonfire all on my own. We cooked some weiners and brats on the fire and of course we followed that with s'mores. No games of chubby bunny tonight. Between the senior citizen, quad boy, and chronic food spitter outter... I'd say I have them beat. We created limericks which somehow usually ended up not making sense or somewhat foul, reminisced of childhood memories, and talked about our first kiss. Typical crazy nights in the O'Brien household.

Well... I'm tired of looking at this computer screen from doing practice problems. I'm laying my head on the pillow and watching something that will take me away to my ever so lovely dreamland. Sweet dreams.

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