a peak into the new chapter of my life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back later... 6 days later

Today was a good day... yesterday not so much. I had a meeting at Duke this morning about the nursing program that I'm going to be applying for. The thought of going back to school excites me. I'm a smart girl; I'm not going to lie. I want to be challenged and I can't wait for a new experience. I always said I wanted to go to Duke, Princeton or Yale... well here's my chance.

Spent several hours in my mom's classroom this evening organizing all her supplies. It's a little strange how much enjoyment I get out of organizing. After I was all finished with the large cabinet and had everything categorized, labeled and neat... I just stood there and admired it. ha.

I'm seriously contemplating trying to get involved in ballroom dancing. Those who know me, obviously know I enjoy dancing and it's a big part of who I am. I had an intro to ballroom in college and I just love it. I think it all comes down to the creativity, detail and organization of dancing that just sucks me right in.

I'm in a sappy mood so I'm watching one of my favorite chick flicks. "If you're a bird... I'm a bird"

My mind is everywhere right now and I'm not going to even begin to let it all spill out on here. Sorry folks, I just can't do it. Although you did get to experience my randomness above. I think I better just put my head on the pillow and hopefully I'll fall asleep soon...

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today is a good day.. so far.. and I believe it will only get better. I went into Starbucks at 6:45 this morning and it ended up being busy, which is great! I'm having lots of fun with my co-workers because I can just be my sarcastic, goofy self and they love it. ha. I mean who wouldn't? I'm finally starting to feel a little "settled".. not like I'm on vacation anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still miss my MI family, friends and dancers soooooo much... but I know I'm starting a new life here. I'm going to make a phone call here in a bit about meeting with someone at Duke. I figure.. I need to just think about what I really like and DO IT. I tried to teach my dancers about self confidence and working hard for what you want... so why don't I do that for myself? I need to stop worrying about fitting this mold, a timeline of when I'm supposed to have a certain job or get married, or taking out loans if I want to go back to school. I don't know why it took me this long to figure all that out and actually do something about it. ha. oh well.

Well I must head out to go to the store and my mom's school. I'm her assistant today. She needs a lil help sometimes. Don't we all? Maybe I'll be back later...

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm bad at this

I've been quite terrible at keeping this updated. Give me a break people... I'm learning? Or I'm just lazy at times. I'm still adjusting to life in NC and I'm not going to get all woe is me, pity party... but it's different! I didn't expect everything to fall into my lap, but it's weird starting over at the age of 24. I have a lot of questions for myself and a lot to yet discover about me and where I'm headed in this life. I do know that for the last 6 years I was a student, a best friend, a roommate, a dedicated employee, and a coach. Now that I've moved states, "started over," I'm not quite sure what I want or "who I am." I don't have a label, I don't have lots of people to take care of, and I don't have a lot of responsibilities as of yet. I do know that I'm surrounded by 3 of the greatest family members I could ask for and I'm excited to be there for them as they are for me while I start this new chapter. (although I miss the michigander family members very much) I miss all my Michigan friends and relationships very much. Even though life goes on, I still think about the life I had in Michigan and all the wonderful memories.

Okay... I'm sure that's enough mumbo jumbo for y'all (figured I'd try it out since I'm now a southern gal) Oh and by the way... I still don't call it "soda." It's POP, people... POP! And another thing about the south; I love the names they have for their businesses.
1. I can eat at BOJANGLES (think of the song everytime)
2. I get gas at SHEETS (poop... have the sheets)
3. Grocery shop at HARRIS TEETERS (do I really have to say what I think?)
My favorite Harris Teeters experience... back when I came to visit my mother after she first lived here and was in an apt, we decided we needed a late night snack. This is no longer suburbia land where you can get anything you want when you want it. No 24 hour stores at almost every major intersection. Our only option? Harris Teeters. We enter the bitter coldness of the grocery store in our pajamas, including mickey mouse plaid boxers my mother once bought for my brother and me in a dance t-shirt of course. Late night Harris Teeters with cold cold air means you're gonna get some teeters.

And lastly, I'll leave you with an update of our little vay-cay in PA. The road trip there included lots of memories from our childhoods which included a lot of laughs about cadbury eggs, bullies, pee/poop in the pants, and embarrassing moments such as grabbing for a bouncy ball in a boy's lap and literally grabbing a ball. All 6 of us... woah, there's 7 of us now with baby Kate... were able to stay at my Aunt Jan's house. So many memories in that house. Summer routines on the trampoline, Cujo in the barn, tea parties, uncle trying to scare us in the dark and the wonderful scenery of the woods and animals. Unfortunately Hurricane Hannah would not allow the beautiful Hershey Garden outdoor wedding to take place. But we rallied together and decorated the church till the wee hours of the morning and before the wedding the next day. The best part was being with everyone and seeing family that I haven't seen in over 4 years... and some... since I was very very young. The drive back was interesting enough as we had a young man approach my brother in the van, another man in the parking lot, and myself outside burger king... asking for gas money. He and his friends were quite angry as they zoomed off IN THEIR CAR. Pretty sure we saw them a few miles later stopped by the police. ha. Don't feel sorry for you. For the rest of the ride you could hear me say "did you fart again" or extreme laughter about nothing, or absolute silence. We made it home in one piece with no deer accidents this time. Darn deer.

That's all you get from me folks. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

On the road again

I will soon be "on the road again" as we head to Pennsylvania this evening. My cousin is getting married this Saturday at the Hershey Gardens! I'm soooo excited.
1) I love being with my family and I haven't seen that side of my family in over 4 years.
2) We (being my mom, 2 brothers, 2 sisters in law, myself, and baby kate) will all be together!
3) I love weddings and what they mean and everything it entails
4) Road trip with my mom, kenny and kelly means there will be plenty of got to pee your pants laughing moments

So I helped mow my brother's lawn today and I don't think I have ever sweat that much in my entire life, and granted, I can be a pretty sweaty person. ha. It was literally dripping off my nose as I was pushing the mower and trimming some hedges and weeds.

I also encountered my first snake since moving here. Yes I know it was little, but still... it's a SNAKE! I'd like to think I'm one tough cookie and I can handle anything. I am a strong woman, but it is inevitable that sometimes I am a prissy girl. Had I been by myself I would have dealt with the snake (I've encountered them in my past before), but because my sister in law was there, I let her kill it. I was the accomplice as I handed her the shovel and she proceeded to jab it until it slithered no more. We think it was a baby copperhead. Poisonous little devil.

I know I said I would let you know what my plans and ideas were... but you're just going to have to wait a little longer until I get back from Pennsylvania. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend because I know I will ;) What kind of shenanigans will my family manage to get into this weekend? We shall see...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So I haven't really had the chance to make friends since moving because so far I've been spending all my time with my family. However, I did get asked out/invited to a party... by the guy giving me a pedi/mani. Only problem... I could barely understand his english. I really tried, but I found myself just smiling and nodding because I had no idea what we were talking about. I did understand when he asked me if I had a boyfriend and then I knew where this was going. So I just may have to go back to get more pedi/mani's by my new friend.

Labor day weekend was pretty relaxed and low key. It involved food, movies, working out, shopping, football, family and church. Pretty good weekend I'd say. Some of my favorite moments included my brother rapping at dinner and me about spitting my chocolate cupcake through my nose, shopping with my mom and pretending i was stacy and clinton from what not to wear, the fact that my brother called pudding "gelatinous slop", and when my mother was laughing/talking/gagging and my brother referred to her as a cow in heat. We definitely had some good laughs and there will be plenty more to come.

Quick car update... I went to drive it yesterday so I could better explain what was happening to the technician and... it worked! I thought it was healed but I still wanted to get it looked at because the brakes felt funny. When I went to drop it off today - it decided not to accelerate properly. They told me it's probably a sensor that isn't working anymore which is causing all the problems. I'm hoping that's true and I'm hoping it doesn't cost very much. ha. Stupid cars.

Okay, so I think it's time to eat some strawberries, watch a lil tv and off to bed. Tomorrow I'll let you know all the fun things I have planned for my life. I know you're dying to find out, aren't you? We shall see....