a peak into the new chapter of my life.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

780 miles and it bites the dust

Well... I apologize for the laziness this week and the lack of posts. I'm sure you're all dying to know what is going on here in NC. ha. Not much. I mentioned that I had a new routine I was going to try out... NO GO.

I woke up Monday morning and made breakfast smoothies with my mom. I was then going to get ready and head over to work out with my sister in law. NEGATIVE. My car decided not to accelerate past oh I don't know, 5 or 10 mph. Couldn't really tell since the speedometer wasn't registering. So needless to say, I am without a car. We're pretty sure it's the transmission, woo hoo, but I have to wait to get it towed in a few days. The escort made it the 780 miles to get me here and now I think it's dunzo. The one good thing about no car... instead I get to drive my sister in law's mini cooper around town.

Which reminds me... I'm not sure if you know, but there is a mini cooper etiquette. I was driving it on Monday while running errands and as I was slowly approaching the end of a street, another mini cooper was turning onto the road. The driver gave me a nod and a salute of the hand before passing by. I'm pretty sure my head continued to follow him because I couldn't believe what just happened. My sister in law informed me that this was what people did who drove mini coopers... therefore I failed mini cooper etiquette 101. I'm glad I'm now aware.

Alright... I won't bore you too much longer. Not much happened this week except unpacking, working out with my sister in law, playing with the pets and our stray kitten we rescued, and getting my transfer all settled with Starbucks.

I have an idea of what I want to do next with my life. I'm quite excited about it... but before I spill the beans I'm going to look into the details and pray about it. What will happen next, we shall see...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Close Call

I'll start off with a little story. Today being Sunday, I headed to church with my mom. I was dressed in my cute brown/cream striped button up dress with a brown belt and my turquoise wedges. (my mom has shrunk over the years and while wearing 4 inch wedges, i was able to see what it feels like to be taller than other people... it's a whole different world i tell you) So we're standing in church singing away and the next thing I know my ankle decides to give out. The only problem was that my entire weight was on that leg and mind you, my ankle had 4 inches to go before it hit the ground. Needless to say, I was about to be a goner but thankfully my hands were gently resting on the chairs in front of me. I reacted so quick that I just pulled myself right up and made some sort of noise in the process and just kept singing away. I'm surprised I didn't hear any laughs behind me... because you know I would have been laughing if I had seen someone do that.

Today was a good day minus the close call fall, our bad service at lunch, and the blister I got on my left pinkie toe. My mom and I got lots of healthy groceries so we can start our detox tomorrow and I got some more organization items for my bedroom and bathroom. yay! Oh how I love to organize. Speaking of... when we got home I made my mom help me clean out and organize her refrigerator, freezer and pantry. That's what I like to call a good time. Then I went on a 4.5 mile brisk walk with my sis-in-law. I decided to make her do lunges when we got back to my mom's street... not realizing the 4.5 mile walk through the NC hills took more of a toll on my leg muscles than I thought. I thought my right hamstring muscle had given up and curled up into a ball. To close out the evening I made some delicious homemade chicken salad for mother and I to eat tomorrow.

I'm going to try out a new routine tomorrow and I have a lot I want to accomplish. Will I find a job or a school??? We shall see...

Cluster Stuff.. Pots or Pans?

Today (well yesterday) had an emotional start and it made me more appreciative of the people and relationships I have in my life. As much as I love clothes and even more my shoes... the people and relationships in your life are really what it's about. So who cares if I don't have an awesome job right now, I'm not married, or I don't have this well thought out life plan... I do have hope & faith in my Saviour and I also have family and friends who bring so much joy to my life.

Enough serious business... I got my mom to clean out and organize the tv room closet with me (so I can have room for all those clothes and shoes I love so much)... and it was pretty entertaining going through the items she had in there. Upon which I found.... "CLUSTER STUFF"... this is my new favorite phrase. Why not call it pillow fluff, pillow stuffing, or something... but cluster stuff is just amazing.

Little Ceasars $5 pizza no more! Can you believe it? Who woulda thought the price of flour would increase 74%. geesh. You better bust out the change... because you now have to pay 5.55 or 5.98 with tax.

And the other random tid bit of the day, thanks to my dear friend Tanya-berries... what is the difference between a pot and a pan? I thought I was such a genius with my quick response.. "Pots go on the stove, pans go in the oven." Wrong. What about frying pans? Those go on the stove. I just don't know.

This dell laptop is frying up my legs, so I think it's time to call it a night. Will I eat a piece of cold pizza before falling asleep??? We shall see...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 2

And so day 2 is underway. I tried to sleep in a bit since I ate coffee ice cream last night with mother dearest and could not fall asleep. Plus, I guess I have a lot on my mind these days.

I just finished going through all my financial info, paying my last bills from the apt, changing addresses and all that fun jazz. I unpacked a few things this morning, but the dilemma I'm coming across is that I don't have enough room for all my crap. That's my next project to tackle.

I should make some phone calls and talk with friends but I just don't feel like it. Mainly because I feel like I don't have answers to any of the questions people seem to be asking me. I don't have a plan yet, I'm not settled, I'm not unpacked, I don't know!!! I'm going to take the rest of this weekend for myself, enjoying relaxing with my family and come Monday I will come up with a plan. Ha.

I suppose I'll go grab another suitcase from the garage and unpack. Where it's going to go? We shall see...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Here I go

Here I go... making an attempt with the whole blogging world. I may not keep it up, I may be horrible, or it may be a new hobby? Either way... it's a chance for me to document this new "turning point" in my life. 780 miles later... I have reached my destination.

Today was day 1 of living in North Carolina. Still haven't unpacked yet... maybe I'll attack that tomorrow. It feels like I'm on vacation, so there is no motivation to get "settled." I can't explain or describe exactly how I'm feeling because I'm not even sure if I totally know myself. It's exciting, scary, confusing and just weird. Finding a new job, making new friends, new everything at the age of 24 is definitely what I need but not what I expected. What will happen in the year to come??? we shall see...