a peak into the new chapter of my life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Totally Tubular

Another week has come to an end and a good one it was!!! Last Sunday I was able to go to church in the morning which was extremely encouraging. Then I celebrated with a girl from work and her friends for her 25th birthday. (My first social outing with new friends.. haha.. a little sad that it excites me so)

I worked on Monday and then it was time to get ready for a lil trip. Since I was oh so smart and drank coffee at work.. I couldn't sleep. Big surprise! Instead, I decided to jump in the car and head out at 3am for Maryland. This was a good idea until about 4:30am when I finally got sleepy. I took a little 45 minute cat nap under a light post at a rest stop. Don't tell my mother... I'm sure she'd freak. ha. Then I was back on my way and things were great until the GPS decided to stop working after I followed her orders and passed the exit the mapquest directions told me to go. Fantastic! I did a little navigating of my own and I finally made it to my destination.. Glen Burnie, MD to see my person. It was great to be reunited and I was able to stay with her and the fiance Tues-Fri. We got lost in downtown Baltimore, spent some time at the inner harbor, ate yummy food, lots of singing/dancing/laughing/and great random comments, movies, pumpkin carving, and hair dying. You know you're completely comfortable with someone (and yourself) when you can play a game at the ages of 23 and 24 which consists of... trying to mirror the other persons random faces during commercials to entertain yourselves. We're quite special... which is why we're besties for life!

The road trip back home was much smoother and I spent the evening with the fam. Saturday it was back to work and then I tried to watch football with my brother but ended up falling asleep during the 2nd quarter. I guess that's what happens when you get 2 hours of sleep.

Today was an opener for me at Sbux. But it was great because I worked with my twin! Let me just say that I always wanted a twin when I was a little girl. It took me several years to realize that it would never be possible and I was heartbroken! HOWEVER... we have found each other. We're totally tubular bar partners (coffee bar that is), we've already brought sexy back so now we're bringing the lingo back because we're definitely rad. Whenever we're together it's such a gas. ha. Well today was our first "date" outside of work.. but there will be plenty more to come because this is a life bond. A lil shout out to my Twin A from your Twin K. Hope your birthday was far out!

I should probably try to get some sleep seeing as how tomorrow will be another busy day. Mother dearest and I will be hittin the road to visit her sister at their lake house. YAY. It's going to be another good week...

Praising him...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Two in a row?

I have been sitting here writing on facebook and I figure, why not make it two posts in a row? Crazy, I know. I think the reason I haven't been writing is because I've been frustrated at life. I really don't have a reason to be..

I made the decision to move and as much as I miss coaching, the dancers and friends I spent my time with in Grand Rapids and my family... I know I made the right move. I just have to be patient and really pray that God will lead me where he wants. I had been living on my own, doing my own thing, trying to please everyone else for 6 years. I have a lot of great memories, lots of people I will never forget, and I know that God was able to use me in people's lives... but now comes the hard part. I have to completely trust him as I'm "starting over" and stop trying to do this on my own. It hasn't been working.

This will be an exciting week to come!! yay for fun times :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Smart cookie

Don't have anything too exciting to report. I spend my days working or hanging out with the fam. I did go to dinner with a guy the other night. That was a nice change of pace. This whole adult world, moving states and figuring out what to do with your life... not as "magical" and as easy as I thought it was going to be. I don't know how or when I became the girl that didn't have a "plan" or didn't know what to do. I just spent $140 to take the GRE in a month. I thought I was smart enough... but after doing some practice tests, I realize I've been out of practice for a while. Uh oh.. one month to study might be a little crazy but we'll see. I can't be afraid of failure... I just have to go for it.

Tonight I made my first bonfire all on my own. We cooked some weiners and brats on the fire and of course we followed that with s'mores. No games of chubby bunny tonight. Between the senior citizen, quad boy, and chronic food spitter outter... I'd say I have them beat. We created limericks which somehow usually ended up not making sense or somewhat foul, reminisced of childhood memories, and talked about our first kiss. Typical crazy nights in the O'Brien household.

Well... I'm tired of looking at this computer screen from doing practice problems. I'm laying my head on the pillow and watching something that will take me away to my ever so lovely dreamland. Sweet dreams.